Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Homeward bound!

So Sarah and I decided to come over for a few days and visit Scotland as Sarah has never been there! Of course it would be lovely to see everyone but my main focus is meeting my niece Cery's for the first time and seeing Darren!

I will be up in NewYork City the day before i leave so you might get something from the the Apple as a gift!

We will be seeing the Lakes, Edinburgh, Inverness, Newcastle and maybe wallsend (The last one is a Joke)

Drop me a line and let me know if you are up for a visit!



Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Wor Daz!

Life! Life, Life! it continues to blow my mind on every level! Just a note to say that I am thinking of Darren every minute of the day now!

I love you and I am always here for you even though I am 3ooo miles away it's only 7 hours on the jet!

Hope to here an updaye soon mate!

Love always!